- Yohannes, H. , Phipps, A. , Fernandes, F. and Silva, J. (2023) Intercultural knowledge production: against gender-based violence and towards epistemic justice. Language and Intercultural Communication, 23(6), pp. 501-506. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2023.2270878)
- Yohannes, H. T. (2023) Refugees as questioning subjects: A critical reflection of PhD fieldwork involving refugees. Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 10(2),
- Yohannes, H. T. (2023) Refugee trafficking in a carceral age: a case study of the Sinai trafficking. Journal of Human Trafficking, 9(1), pp. 33-47. (doi: 10.1080/23322705.2021.1885005)
- Yohannes, H. T. and Tsegay, S. M. (2022) Migration and mobility in youth (Eritrea). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, (doi: 10.5040/9781350887176.037)
- Yohannes, H. (2021) It’s our responsibility to welcome refugees – and redeem their stories. Insight: The Biannual Publication for Members of Children in Scotland, 2021-2(Winter), pp. 20-21.
- Yohannes, H. (2020) Commentary. Language and Intercultural Communication, 20(2), pp. 213-217. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2020.1722689)
Book Chapters
- Yohannes, H. T. , Yemane, T. H. and Wangari-Jones, P. (2024) The hostile environment, Covid-19, and the creation of asylum colonies in the UK. In: Bhambra, G. K., Mayblin, L., Medien, K. and Viveros-Vigoya, M. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology. SAGE Publications Ltd. ISBN 9781529772128
- Yohannes, H. T. and Phipps, A. (2023) What does it mean to move? Joy and resistance through cultural work in South-South migration. In: Crawley, H. and Teye, J. K. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of South-South Migration and Inequality. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125-149. ISBN 9783031398131 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-39814-8_7)
- Yohannes, H. (2022) Reclaiming our humanity from the necropolitics of coloniality. [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2021) The humans whose humanity is forfeited. [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2021) “A trip to a Crannog”. [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2021) Decolonising Asylum? [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2021) We are all refugees. [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2020) ‘We are still burning’ – survivors of Beskdira and Ona massacre. [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2020) Blina Shama UK: Creating a Sanctuary after Home Loss. [Website]
- Yohannes, H. (2018) ‘Born rightless, die rightless’. [Website]